Skateboard and longboard sound similar. So, these two terms confuse many people and think that they are identical while they are not. The first difference is a longboard is a variation of a short skateboard. Manufacturers made this long version of skateboard with different styles to give riders a quite different riding experience. However, there are some other differences too. Let's discuss those differences too.
The shape:
A long skateboard as the name implies comes with longer board than that of short skateboard. The length of the longboard is between 33 to 60 inches and the width is 9 to 10 inches while a short skateboard is 28 to 32 inches long and the width is 7 to 10 inches.
Longboards are more stable, and balancing your body weight is easier than that of short skateboard counterparts. For this reason, a long skateboard is ideal for beginner skateboarders.
Wheels and trucks:
Both short and long skateboards have trucks beneath the deck. But trucks for short skateboards are solid, making the unit ideal for performing different tricks.
On the other hand, trucks for long skateboards are flexible, which offers riders a smooth and comfortable riding experience.
Riding the board:
To start the both skateboard and longboard, riders need to push the ground using one leg while keeping the other leg on the deck Short skateboards are ideal for tight turn and ramp and lightweight makes them great for flips and leaps. However, the downside of the short skateboards are they are less stable and offers less comfortable riding experience.
On the other hand, Manufacturers designed longboards for traveling long distances. On a smooth surface, riders enjoy great fun when they cruise through miles. Longboards are ideal for downhill and cross country.
The wheels of longboards are larger and softer than their short skateboards counterparts. They(wheels of longboard) travel faster and have more shock-absorption capability. The wheels of the short skateboard, on the other hand, presumably shorter that offer better control of the board and doing various tricks.
Since longboards are wider and longer, blanching them is easier than those of minified version of the skateboard. Longboards are ideal for people with large feet and who are new to the skating world.
Regarding performing and displaying various tricks like curving or leaping, short skateboards are the clear winner over longboards.